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Keshatone Powder


  • Helps To Treat Hair Diseases
  • Helps nourish the roots well and accelerates hair growth by thickening the roots
  • Keep the scalp cool and strengthens the hair follicles
  • Promotes the growth of long and healthy hair
  • 100% Herbal And Natural


Take One Tablespoon of Powder Twice a Day with Water

“दिन में दो बार एक बड़े चम्मच का सेवन करें।”    “आप इसे भोजन से पहले या उसके बाद ले सकते हैं “

Keshatone powder is perfect for nourishing and revitalizing tired hair and scalp. It is an ideal solution for providing essential nutrients to keep your hair looking full and beautiful. This powder harnesses the power of Ayurveda to help restore balance and keep hair and scalp healthy. Enjoy the restorative benefits of Ayurvedic ingredients and keep your hair and scalp shining! Rejuvenate your hair and scalp with our one-of-a-kind Ayurvedic hair care powder. Pairing the ancient art of Ayurveda with modern science, this powder provides your hair with the nourishment it needs to look and feel alive. Our special formula restores your hair’s natural shine, while encouraging growth and resilience. Unlock the power of Ayurveda and Handle your hair to the care it deserves!

Ingredients : Bhrigraj, Brahmi, Baheda, Sankhpushpii, Amla And Much More


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