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Ortho Safe Powder


  • Effective in Chronic Body and Joint Pain
  • Treatment of Rhumatoid Arthritis
  • Helps to maintain overall health and well being
  • 100% natural & Herbal powder
  • Pure Vegetarian Formula
  • Supports and maintains healthy joints
  • Free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colors, yeast, binders, fillers etc
  • No Side Effects

Take One Tablespoon of Powder Twice a Day with Water

दिन में दो बार, पानी के साथ एक बड़े चमच का पाउडर लें।    “आप इसे भोजन से पहले या उसके बाद ले सकते हैं

Joint Pains refers to any aches or discomfort found in various joints of the body. Typically, it can result from injury, stress or a condition known as arthritis. Arthritis is the most common cause for joint pains. It typically affects the elderly and can either be osteoarthritic or rheumatic in nature. Both these conditions are painful conditions.

Orthosafe POwder are made from the choicest of Classical Ingredients. The uniqueness of Orthosafe is that it does NOT contain shallaki or guggulu. The presently available forms of shallaki and guggulu are not of high quality and typically the raw material are mixed with synthetic versions (due to non-availability of the natural forms) and this leads to stomach irritation and nausea.

Orthosafe powder are made with more than 10 classical Ayurvedic ingredients that combat inflammation and other pains. The main ingredients of Orthosafe include Ashwagandha, Satodi,  Gokhsru, Haritakii, Baheda, Amla, Giloy etc. Along with providing relief from Pain, they also make sure that they do not cause any undesirable side-effects.



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